weekly activity- stasis and toulmin

Prashant Patel July 5, 2018 Weekly activity: Stasis and Toulmin
I. Find an article advocating a policy identify as many of the components of Toulmin model as you can?
In this assignment, I will be examining an opinion piece written by David Bossie. He is a contributing editorial writer for The Hill newspaper. In the article which is titled: WhoReally Wants To Abolish Ice; Surely Not The American People. The author advocates a policy for strengthening the department instead of abolishing it. The structure of the article has many of the components of Stephen Toulmin model. The first and most salient component is that the article makes a claim. That is the department of immigration customs and law enforcement or (ICE).
David Bossie then provides a warrant for his argument and saying that the American people do not support the elimination of the department. In reality (ICE) is being used as a political shrill by congressional Democrats in order to win the upcoming congressional elections in November 2018 (Bossie 1 ). David Bossie goes on to write that congressional Democrats only recently to agree on the abolishment of (ICE) after they witnessed Joseph Crowley a long time Congressman be defeated by a populist insurgent (Bossie 2). Therefore, the authors warrant is explicitly stating that the Democrats are abolishing the department in order to safeguard against possible challenges in primaries and that they have no genuine reason for abolishing the department (Bossie 2).
Following an explanation of his warrant, the author of the article then goes on to provide facts or data to substantiate his thesis. For example, the author explains that according to a recent study conducted by a Democratic strategist 84% of the American people favor turning undocumented immigrants over to federal authorities (Bossie 2). The author is trying to underscore the point that it is not a radical position to want stronger immigration policies. Further, the author is trying to distinguish a sensible position of the American people to that of a radical position taken by congressional Democrats.
The most effective piece of evidence that David Bosie uses to make his policy argument is taking language from Pres. Bill Clinton’s 1995 state of the union address. In that speech Bill Clinton stated, “that is why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens” (Clinton 1995). In using these words, the author is illustrating the point that President Clinton similar philosophy towards illegal aliens as President Trump. From this direct quote the author then establishes his conclusion, if congressional Democrats agreed with President Clinton’s approach to immigration enforcement why can’t they agree to a similar policy that is being advocated by the current president.
The chart below diagrams the argument that is presented in the article it employs the Toulmin model of persuasion.
II. Frame the theoretical and practical questions that the article raises?
In framing this issue both in theoretical and practical terms the author frames the argument as a matter of policy. First, he is asked the theoretical question which is whether the elimination of (ICE) will lead to better enforcement policies. The authors response to this question is no. The author is implying that instead of eliminating (ICE) the Democrats should come to the table and negotiate with President Trump on how to strengthen existing policies or enhance their previous position on the policy. As a practical matter which is defined as being what the people should be encouraged to do the author is encouraging the people and readers of the article to vote out of office any democrat who is against the policies of president Trump.
From the author’s perspective, the only way to compel congressional Democrats to negotiate is to increase political pressure. So, therefore, he is encouraging the readers of this article that are individuals who are interested in immigration issues to call their democratic representative or senator and persuade them to engage in a compromise. The effect of this would be similar to Lloyd F. Bitzer’s approach, in that the speaker or writer can overcome the obstacles of an audience by transforming the audience members into agents that would help the speaker or writer achieve their goal (Bitzer 7).
From a practical perspective, the purpose of the article is to encourage congressional Democrats to negotiate with the president to develop a stronger policy. For example, in his article, the author writes that “congressional Republicans have been working for months with the president to come up with commonsense solutions to reform our immigration system and to help (ICE) do its job of keeping America safe but the Democrats have been nowhere to be Seen”(Bossie 2).
III.Frame the issue in General, specific, and Very specific terms:
The Writer Of the article Frames the Issue in General, Specific and Very Specific Terms. One way That the Author Structures the Issue Of The article In a General Fashion Is The question The author Asks Of his audience By way Of the title. The Title Of the article It Who Wants to Abolish ICE; Surely not The American People. This Is A General Question to The Readers Of the article In that, It Questions Whether Congress Should Abolish ICE.The writer Argues That If Congress Abolishes ICE It Would be Detrimental to the Security Of The United States. The Author Gives a reader Evidence to why The Author thinks that this is a poor policy.
The writer Discusses The purpose of ICE, he does This In providing Information For the reasons why ICE was formed. The Department Immigration and Customs Enforcement created As response to need for enhance border protection In the mind 1990’s (Bossie 1). The writer says that the primary purpose of the department was to interdict persons from illegally crossing the Southwest border into the United States. The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 required a reformulation of the countries national security structure, to that end ICE was then integrated into the new department of homeland security. As a consequence, the mission of ICE has changed. ICE is now responsible for the monitoring of the movements of illegal immigrants that often requires the separation of families (Bossie 2).
Therefore, from a general prospective the elimination of ICE will hamper security of America. Further, without the ability to monitor the movements of immigrants that cross the border illegally it will create a scenario in which millions of peoplewill cross the border and immigration officials will be unable to develop a policy that will assist officials in determining which groups of people represent a genuine security threat (Bossie 3). From this general prospective the author then provides a specific critique.
This specific critique surrounds an examination of the reason why the Democrats in congress would Propose a policy which recommend the elimination of ICE. the writer again Poses a question to the readers of the article. Are congressional Democrats genuinely interested in the in developing a comprehensive policy towards border security or are congressional Democrats only interested in the politics of the issue? The author thinks that the answer to the question is the latter. According to the author the Democrats advocating the elimination of ICE the growing hostility towards ICE and the departments policies among the more progressive members that are part of the Democratic party’s political constituency. (Bossie 2).
To provide evidence for this point the author emphasizes a recent poll taken of the American people that illustrates 84%of the American people support the current policies of ICE (Bossie 2). Therefore, if and overwhelming majority of Americans support then the Democrats are only placating a faction in advocating a policy when they are fully aware that the general population does not support it (Bossie 2).
Subsequently, the author then frames the issue in very specific terms. For instance, why is that if congressional democrats now think ICE needs to be reformed that they have not participated in any of the ongoing discussions with Congressional Republicans to reform the immigration policies of the United (Bossie 2). In the end encourages congressional Democrats to participate in the development of a systematic policy of reform instead of targeting one department for political purposes (Bossie3).
IV. Examine the Argument using the questions from Stasis theory
Stasis theory is defined as a concept that assist individuals that are involved in debate, to achieve a balance or position of equilibrium “in agreeing to disagree” (Crowley &Hawhee 63). This theory has its foundations on four basic concepts these are Conjecture, Definition, Quality and Policy. I will use this frame work to analyze the argument that David Bossie presents in his article.
Conjecture is defined as questioning whether the problem that is being debated actually exist. (Crowley & Hawhee 67) For the purposes of the issue that is being debated in the article the author would argue that the issue does not exist. This is because the democrats are trying to use the issue in order to prevent the more radical elements of their party from gaining power. Therefore, the party is creating the issue of wanting to do away with ICE. Moreover, David Bossie would argue that this position is not justly advantageous to adopt since 84% of the country agrees with the policies and procedures of ICE.
Definition is described as being the use of precise language in identifying how and act can be defined. (Crowley & Hawhee 67) the author of the article would define the action in the article as being one of political opportunity David Bossie, would say but that instead of offering practical solutions to the problem of boarder security. The Democrats are only interested in capitalizing the political benefits of the issue, furthermore, he would argue that if the democratic party was actually interested in engaging in executing a sound policy they would have already engaged in a discussion with President Trump.
This specific critique surrounds an examination of the reason why the Democrats in congress would Propose a policy which recommend the elimination of ICE. the writer again Poses a question to the readers of the article. Are congressional Democrats genuinely interested in the in developing a comprehensive policy towards border security or are congressional Democrats only interested in the politics of the issue? The author thinks that the answer to the question is the latter. According to the author the Democrats advocating the elimination of ICE the growing hostility towards ICE and the departments policies among the more progressive members that are part of the Democratic party’s political constituency. (Bossie 2).
To provide evidence for this point the author emphasizes a recent poll taken of the American people that illustrates 84%of the American people support the current policies of ICE (Bossie 2). Therefore, if and overwhelming majority of Americans support then the Democrats are only placating a faction in advocating a policy when they are fully aware that the general population does not support it (Bossie 2).
Subsequently, the author then frames the issue in very specific terms. For instance, why is that if congressional democrats now think ICE needs to be reformed that they have not participated in any of the ongoing discussions with Congressional Republicans to reform the immigration policies of the United (Bossie 2). In the end encourages congressional Democrats to participate in the development of a systematic policy of reform instead of targeting one department for political purposes (Bossie3).
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