Scenario 1: Short Answer Exam

Scenario 1: Short Answer Exam
Scenario 1: Short Answer Exam
Choose three (3) questions from the following questions:
Bitzer states that “rhetoric is a mode of altering reality, not by the direct application of energy to objects, but by the creation of discourse which changes reality through the mediation of thought and action.” What example of this can be given where reality has been altered for the audience or audiences and has led to the demise of moral obligation? What were the general characteristics or features of that particular rhetorical situation?
Burke argues against the objective nature of science when he says, “Yet, willy nilly, a science takes on the moral qualities of the political or social movements with which it becomes identified,” (1331). Analyze an example of how a recent scientific movement or discovery took on “the moral qualities of the political or social movements.”
How does Cicero talk about the rhetorical situation?
How has the identification of audience changed from classical to modern rhetorical thinking?
In Ede and Lunsford, why do the models presented by Mitchell and Taylor not stand as reasonable examples of the relationship between the writer/rhetor and audience? Do you believe the failures of the models represent the failure of Mitchell and Taylor to intentionally omit necessary elements or are the failures of the models representative of the failures of Mitchell and Taylor to recognize the missing elements as necessary to their argument?
Answer each question in at least 500-words each. You must cite at least one primary text in each question.
Your document must be formatted to the citation style of your choice (MLA, APA, etc.), including a works cited/bibliography page, in-text citations, headings, etc.
Scenario 2: Using Rhetorical Theories to Analyze Public or Professional Communication
Rhetorical concepts can help us look more closely at not only the content of various public statements and professional communication artifacts but also at their construction. In this scenario, choose a public or professional communication of some kind to analyze. Then apply a rhetorical theory or series of rhetorical concepts (e.g. logos, ethos, and pathos) to analyze the ways that this communication makes its arguments.
Responses to this scenario can take a more traditional academic genre such as an essay for a journal, but could also be written as an op-ed to a local paper or an explanatory video that describes to potential audience members how to recognize the rhetorical appeals being used in a public venue or a report to a supervisor that describes the reasons for arranging a particular memo or flyer in the ways you did.
You must include the following information in a cover sheet submitted with your analysis:
1) A statement of the intended audience for this analysis
2) A discussion of why the selected rhetorical concepts are appropriate to this analysis
3) A reflection on how this analysis through rhetorical theories impacted your own understanding of the selected public or professional communication
Your cover sheet should be formatted like a memo. For more information on what this format looks like, please consult Purdue OWL’s section on memos.
Scenario 3: Developing Rhetorically-Based Teaching Materials
As our key concepts unit has suggested, rhetoric and teaching have often gone hand in hand. However, not all pedagogical practices are informed by rhetorical theory. For this scenario, imagine that you’ve been asked to develop and/or revise a teaching resource such as a lesson plan, class activity, or major assignment guideline in a way that corresponds with a relevant rhetorical concept. In response, create a resource that is suitable for sharing with fellow teachers. Your resource must include the following materials:
- A clear statement of the goals for the activity
- A clear explanation of the procedures associated with this classroom activity
- A discussion of the intended audience for the activity (i.e., is this a 10th grade activity, a college-level activity, etc.)
- A rationale for this activity that discusses the rhetorical theories and concepts involved
- A reflection on the ways that this project impacted your own understanding of the concept(s).
For this assignment, the goal is to demonstrate effective application of a rhetorical theory to a pedagogical setting. Therefore, you could, for instance, draw on the concept of Kairos to create an activity to teach writing consultants in a high school writing center how to consider this concept in their work with high school writers.
The format of this depends on the pedagogical resource you choose to create.
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