Major Assignment #1: Autoethnography/Case Study

Major Assignment #1: Autoethnography/Case Study
For this project you will complete either an autoethnography or case study in order to examine something in everyday life that demonstrates how gender is constructed. You will consider the readings we’ve completed and discussions we’ve had within the first weeks of class.
This project asks you to consider something you are already familiar with and examine it with a focused lens. Your project will include the following:
- Your approach (autoethnography or case study)
- Context of what you’ve chosen to study
- How you studied it
- Your findings
Steps (not necessarily in this order)
- Decide what you want to study in your everyday life
- Consider how it demonstrates how gender is constructed
- Think about what questions will help you study this
- Decide what approach best suits your study
- Decide how you will study/write about it
- Consider what genre would best present your assignment
- The genre of this project is up to you. I suggest something that best facilitates the work you’ve completed.
- A works cited is only necessary if you cite outside sources
Possible genres and loose parameters
- A video (around 20min)
- An academic paper (around 8 pages)
- A blog/website (around 2,000 words)
- An infographic/research poster
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City of Deltona, Division of Planning & Development Services, Deltona FL
Administrative Assistant & Intern
I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.
Volusia County Managers Office, Deland FL
Administrative Intern
I was responsible for all the in-house and client-based web development assignments. I take pride in having helped the best of clients and getting maximum ratings for the company.
Jan-May 2003
Volusia County Public Transit, Daytona Beach, FL
Government Internship
I was a part of an amazing design team and worked together with them to help design and develop apps and websites for different clients of the company.