Description Of Assignments That Comprise The Rhetorical Theory

Description Of Assignments That Comprise The Rhetorical Theory Drop-Down Box
I. Introduction
Rhetorical Theory was the first course in which I enrolled as a graduate student of writing and rhetoric at the University of Central Florida. The goals of this course were to introduce students to the history of rhetorical theory. This involved beginning with individuals associated with classical schools of rhetoric. This includes an examination of the writings of Gorgias, Plato, Aristotle, and Quintilian. The exams and writing assignments for this course, required a student to conduct an intensive critical and theoretical analysis of topics and issues connected to how different philosophers either overlap or differ in their approaches towards classical rhetoric.
Moreover, the instructor for this course designed research assignments, that integrated contemporary theoretical concepts, towards scholarly debates within rhetorical scholarship by concern ideas from the classical period of rhetoric. For example, concepts of Platonic rhetoric were compared and contrasted, to do the ideas of Lloyd F. Bitzer’s “Rhetorical Situation”.
My intent in designing and including this category in my portfolio is for a visitor to receive a comprehensive look at how I framed and wrote about foundational concepts that are part of the study of rhetoric A visitor will find the following research assignments and directions
Rhetorical Theory Unit Exam 1, (Responded To Questions 1, 3, &4). The nature of the questions designed for this unit exam was crafted to test a student’s ability to effectively research and write about the history and evolution of classical rhetoric. Questions were geared toward an analysis of the significance and appreciation of certain individuals and the role that they played in propelling the beginning of particular rhetorical movements such as Gorgias and the Sophistic Movement.
Rhetorical Theory Unit Exam Number 2, (Responded To Scenario 3). The directions for the second unit exam in rhetorical theory compelled students to research and design a hypothetical lesson plan for that design and in-class activity at the University of Central Florida or a hypothetical university. The quality of the writing for scenario three required students to research and write in detail how to create a course assignment around a significant classical rhetorical concept. This includes an analysis of whether the program designed satisfied course objectives and outcomes.
A Weekly Assignment Which Required Students To Research And Writes About The Classical Rhetorical Concepts Of Pathos, Ethos, and students were required to integrate these classical concepts to a larger analysis of Lloyd F. Bitzer’s Rhetorical Situation. The skills, knowledge, and abilities that students were encouraged to demonstrate through this project was an ability to concisely create a visual graphic that analyzes how a rhetorical artifact such as a news article exhibits or highlights aspects of fundamental principles in classical rhetoric. Moreover, within this context students were also motivated to demonstrate the multiple ways that foundations classical rhetoric can be applied to contemporary theoretical structures.
The primary and secondary sources that are used as supporting documents or sources from which quotations or statements derived from scholarly literature are, Lloyd F. Bitzer, “The Rhetorical Situation. Patricia Bizzell, Bruce Herzberg:” Classical Rhetoric”. David Bossie “Who Wants to Defund ICE: Surely, Not The American Public “Stasis Theory”: Asking The Right Question. “Deborah Hawhee & Sharon Crawley, Gorgias “ Encomium of Helen”.
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